Help me get a new phone| my phone is damaged.

Fundraising campaign by Christian Ofori
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My dear friends,

As I stand before you today, my heart weighs heavy with a burden I never thought I would bear. You see, my phone, which has been my lifeline to the world for years, is now on the brink of collapse. Its screen, once a window to endless possibilities, is now shattered into a mosaic of despair. The battery, once full of life and promise, now struggles to hold a charge, mirroring the dwindling hope in my own heart.

With each passing day, the cracks deepen, both on the surface of my phone and within my soul. It freezes at the most critical moments, leaving me isolated and alone in a world that is increasingly interconnected. Jobs slip through my fingers, messages go unanswered, and opportunities fade into oblivion, all because of this wretched device that has become my curse.

But it's not just about me. It's about the missed calls from loved ones, the lost memories captured in photographs, the moments of connection and joy that are now slipping away like grains of sand through my trembling fingers. It's about the dreams deferred, the aspirations crushed, and the relentless march of time that waits for no one, not even for a soul burdened by the weight of a broken phone.

So I stand before you, not as a beggar, but as a broken spirit in need of redemption. Your donations would not just buy me a new phone; they would breathe life back into my weary soul. They would restore the connections severed by a cruel twist of fate and reignite the spark of hope that has flickered ever so dimly within me.

Please, if you have ever known the pain of loss, the ache of loneliness, or the despair of helplessness, I implore you to open your hearts and your wallets. Your support, no matter how small, would be a beacon of light in my darkest hour. Thank you for listening, and may you never know the depths of sorrow that I have come to know all too well.


I am a student searching for help to support my education and the financial status of my parents.

I am a student searching for help to support my education and the financial status of my parents.

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raised of $400.00 goal
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