Help me get a laptop studying please help me

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#please help me

I need a laptop for studying I need your help as soon as possible please buy me a laptop give me some money thank you very much buy me a laptop I am in a lot of trouble I need a laptop when you guys give me a laptop I can continue my studies soon I study very hard. I ask for my friends' laptops and they are the ones that make my studies work for me. So please help me to get a laptop as soon as possible.

Some days my friends don't even give me the laptop, they say they have work, so there is no way for me to study on that day. If you can help me buy a laptop, give me some support.
I am very poor and my father is also sick with kidney disease and my mother teaches us by cooking each delicious food and selling them so my hope is to study well my mother does not have enough wealth to buy me a laptop if you can please help me as much as possible

I saw this website because a friend told me. I do not believe that such a website exists, but I am writing this article because of my helplessness
On days when I don't have classes. Going to help mom. If you can help me you will get more.Thank you very much to everyone who help me

Iam Sheshan . Please help me


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