Help me create a Animal Doctors Portal

Fundraising campaign by Mirza Awais Atiq
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    raised of $1,000.00 goal goal
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Hey, the day is 1st January 2020 so Happy New Years are in order. Well aside that it's really cold here, also it just so happen that I grew love for a stray pup and she got really ill. The great thing was that I had a doctors number who visited my home and checked her up, recommended medicines, had a cup of coffee, shared precautions, wished us a new year and left. The problem statement was that I knew this guy in the area but many might face the same, so I'm deciding to start a crowd funded dedicated pets portal. I can only hope people will help, me managing two jobs just doesn't cut enough slack to manage but I'm sure the fund will come of great use. If you feel the same way so, start funding and I'll keep you guys updated on the progress.


  • Mirza Awais Atiq
  • Campaign Owner

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raised of $1,000.00 goal
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