Help me buy my first car

Fundraising campaign by Antonio Horvat
  • €0.00
    raised of €1,500.00 goal goal
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Raised offline: €100.00
Total: €100.00
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I am Antonio and I'm a huge car enthusiast. Last year a tragedy struck my family and my father has died in an accident. Because of what happened, we had to sell our car to cover the expenses. But at that time I didn't have a driver's license.

I recently got my driver's license but I still don't own a car. I just finished my school and I'm applying for college that is about 70 km away from my home. I need a car so I can drive myself and my mom to the store or her job etc. I don't ask for anything special or big, just a reliable vehicle that I can use without having to worry about mechanical issues.

Thanks in advance!


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raised of €1,500.00 goal
0% Funded
0 Donors
Raised offline: €100.00
Total: €100.00

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