Help me become the first in my family to graduate

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Hi! I am a first year student at DePaul University studying chemistry and I hope to go into pharmacy after reaching my bachelors. I chose DePaul because of how amazing of a school it was along with it being the cheaper option for my family to send me there. Recently though the second quarter is totaling to be too much for my parents to cover financially and I sadly did not take into account that the amount my family can afford would not be enough for the enitre year. I have been working at my dad's small business whenever I can to help out with some of the burden that all of the stress is putting on them but I can tell this is getting to be too much. My dad recently tried to take out a loan to cover the differerence that they couldn't afford to pay but was denied. I am applying for student job positions on campus for next quarter but I won't be able to get paid until after the second wuarter tuition is due. I hope that I may continue learning at DePaul and I can tell how proud my parents are of me but it is still clear as to how everyone is struggling to make it just to be able for me to pay the next quarter tuition. Please any amount would help my family and keep me at DePaul working towards my degree.


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raised of $5,000.00 goal
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