Help me achieve my dream and I’ll pay it forward

Fundraising campaign by Jonathan Rich
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    raised of $22,000.00 goal goal
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My name is Jon and I am a 23 year old aspiring software/game developer. I've been fascinated by computers since I was very young, and have always wanted to make a career in software and game development. Life happened, as it always does, and I was not provided the opportunity for college that I needed to get my foot in the door. Now I'm supporting myself and my girlfriend, who is a wonderful supportive partner, but between the two of us we can just barely keep the bills paid. I work hard and spend all my free time teaching myself programming, but it is extremely slow going and I don't have access to the resources I need to properly move forward. I am not the type of person to ask for financial help, not out of pride, but mostly from embarrassment and the mindset that there are much more important causes than my personal life. In fact I'm usually the one giving, sometimes to a fault. I am always happy to help anyone in need, in many cases giving up my last dollar to someone I feel needs it more than me. But I am out of options, and so this is my proposal:

I am finally asking for help. I am looking for 22k to fund what I need to move forward. This is not an arbitrary amount, I've put a lot of thought into it. 3000 for the hardware I need. 9000 to cover my expenses for up to 12 months, this is so I can take time away from my minimum wage retail job to focus 100% on classes I need. And 10k for the courses themselves. This comes out to 22k in total, which I estimate is the minimum I need to ensure I get where I need to be.

As I said before I don't feel comfortable asking for money for purely personal problems, especially when there are more important causes out there. So to ease my conscience and spread the love, no matter if my campaign succeeds or not, for every contribution I receive, when I'm able I will pay it forward to the charity or cause of your choice, and double that if possible. Send me a message or email with your amount provided and the cause you choose, and when I manage to pay it forward I will personally reach out and let you know with proof. This is my promise to you. If you are willing to help me I will make certain that I pay it forward to others in need.


  • Jonathan Rich
  • Campaign Owner

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raised of $22,000.00 goal
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