Help lucy

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Lucy is one of the friendliest and happiest dogs I have ever seen. I found Lucy in the park abandoned near by the trash cans 4 years ago since I saved her she gave me a life too. All those years she was there with me when nobody else was and all of those bad situations in life I knew someone is there, and that would always be her.

Today was the saddest day, I found out Lucy is diagnosed with Pyometra. It is a deadly uterine infection , it is very serious and requires an emergency surgery. The vet said it need to be done in next couple of days. To make situation even worse, at this point I am unemployed and in big debt, I've contacted few of my friends but they said they couldn't help me so I have no other option than to came here, and ask you guys for help. I know a true animal lover will help in this kind of situation. It is just so not fair to lose Lucy like this, only because I am not able to pay the bills. Any donation would make a huge difference. I have no other options, I really I hope we can save her!


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