Help Low-Income People from Peru and Nicaragua

Fundraising campaign by Nancy M Torres
  • US$0.00
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What do we use your donation for?

Food and Livelihoods

We buy food for people in need and low-income families.

Health Resources

We supply medicines to treat the health of disabled people and poor families.

Christian Activities

We are a believing foundation, and we believe in faith, we help churches to achieve their goals.

Help for a good cause

Our ministry depends on the tireless dedication of thousands of volunteers who spend their time caring for those who need it most. It also depends on donations from people like you.

Who we are?

We are a foundation with Christian principles which was founded in 2012 with the purpose of helping people with disabilities and low income while at the same time introducing them to the word of God.

Our Mission

With the unfailing favor of the Most High and the blessings of those that support us with their contributions, our main focus is to continue helping the underprivileged, healing the sick, feeding the malnourished, protecting the abandoned and rescuing our most unfortunate brothers and sisters from all manners of hardship. Without distinction of race, faith or political beliefs, we were all created in the image and likeness ofGod and must practice this daily for the honor and eternal glory of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Our Vision

Coupled with the inscrutable love of our Lord Jesus Christ, our Vision is oriented to the help of each one of our fellows and consolidated in His unfading love. Consequently, following the inexhaustible desires of the Lord, we bring with supreme love his work of divine rescue to all who need it in the most remote places of the globe.


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johhn fgvvbbc
Sabith Yoosuf
taylor gresham
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