Help Lisa’s family recover

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My name is Lisa, I am a single mother living in in the United States, and my father, Peter, recently suffered a stroke halfway across the world. My father lives in Europe, and when I heard the news I was devastated. My three-year-old suffers from autism, and most of my paycheck goes into making sure he has sufficient care, as well as the treatment and attention he needs to lead a normal life. With the help I would be able to provide my father and my baby with the they truly need. But I lack the funding to make it home.

I not only want to take care of my father, but I want my son to meet his grandfather. My aunt is currently the only person taking care of him, but she is much older and cannot manage certain tasks that require moving him around. Unable to work, my father is also worried about his own medical bills and living expenses, and the stress puts him at increased risk of another stroke. I keep hoping that every time the phone rings it’s not more bad news. With this campaign, I am hoping to raise the $80000 needed to cover moving expenses and travel for myself and my son, as well as the medical bills that have arisen as a result of my father’s condition. I’m not sure how long he will need my assistance, but I want to be there to provide it.

Every dollar counts, and I thank you for taking the time out to read my story and lend a helping hand. Even if you cannot donate right at this moment, please share this campaign in your Facebook groups, on your social media, and with your friends and family members that might be willing to support this campaign. Please help my son and I be there for his grandfather on the road to recovery. Lisa


  • Lisa James
  • Campaign Owner

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raised of $80,000.00 goal
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