Fundraising campaign by Ckellar
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I need your help TODAY please! My name is Christine and my fiance',Jesse, has been diagnosed with Cryptococcus Neoformans. It is a mass in his left lung that he contracted working with animals and dirt. He has been a Ranch Hand and Landscaper all of his life. This disease is contracted by inhaling a spore from the dirt. Mostly HIV patients have this, however, he was perfectly healthy, which is a rare case. He was on Fluconazole which after 3 months didn't work and has made him sicker. Now the only medication left is Posaconazole, which isn't covered by any state fund I could find and it is over $6000 for only 1 months supply! The hospital gave him a 3 day supply, which is out tomorrow and if he skips a day, it is detrimental to his health. I put in paperwork to state of California for assistance and haven't heard back after calling many times. 

If he doesn't get this medication, he will end up dying. He is only 36 years old and is the most caring and loving human I have ever met. We have prayed about this and know that he is in God's hands. But I KNOW his isn't it. God has huge plans for him and he hasn't even gotten to be married yet! 


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raised of $13,000.00 goal
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