Help Jesse Broaden his Education

Fundraising campaign by JessePM
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I am currently a full time student at a community college pursuing a career in social work and intend on transfering to a 4 year intitute to double major in social work and criminal justice. I am trying to raise money for the Education Abroad Program my school offers with the help of others. I do not have a job currently, however I am actively looking, using my school's resources. Finding the time to balance being a full time student with assisting my grandmother who is in the hospital due to a recent heart attack and watching over my sister who has special needs is mentally stressing to say the least. I have faith that there will be good in my family's lives and this may be one thing that makes my family and me gain more belief in the kindness of others. I am going through tough times as do all people do, but I will not give up on the opportunities given to me in my education and hopeffully new opportunities made possible by people who believe in me. I hope to advocate for the people that are unable to do so themselves and then provide the tools and knowledge, so people are empowered by their personal ability and success. 


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