Help Heather get a Car!

Fundraising campaign by helphe12
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    raised of $5,000.00 goal goal
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I need some help getting a car. I have been without one for over 2 years now. I has to let my car go because it broke down and I just couldn't afford to have it fixed. I have and have had a job since I was 15 I work hard but I always feel like I can't afford a car. one of the main reasons I am asking for help is because in January I got the most devastating news that my father has a very rare form of cancer. He lives about an hour away from me. It's been rough trying to find a way to get to him when things are bad. I have taken the bus and walked to work and everywhere else but I can't walk to my dad! So if you would please help me with one thing I would be forever greatful!


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raised of $5,000.00 goal
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