Help Fight Ebola in Sierra Leone – OneVillage Partners

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Our Friends, Our Fight

For the past several months, we, along with millions of others around the world, have watched with desperate sadness as the deadliest Ebola outbreak in history has swept through West Africa. In early August, we learned that the disease had reached the villages in southeastern Sierra Leone - Foindu, Pujehun, and Jokibu - where we called home during the summers of 2011, 2012, and 2013 while we volunteered for the non-profit development organization OneVillage Partners.

Ebola is wreaking havoc on families and communities throughout Sierra Leone. Our friends and their families are dying. We want - we need- to do everything in our power to help and empower the people who cared for us so graciouslywhile we were in Sierra Leone, and whose presence we still feel in our lives today.


Compassion Knows No Borders

We are aiming to raise at least $8,000 to support our friends abroad. With those funds, OneVillage Partners will provide relief assistance and build crisis resiliency by providing food aid, building isolation units to treat those exposed, and creating a crisis network between villages so villagers are empowered to help themselves.

A donation of: 

  • $25 buys a wall of an isolation unit
  • $40 feeds a person in isolation
  • $60 buys a bed in an isolation unit
  • $80 buys one family a one-month supply of rice and other foods 

Please help us reach our goal. Our friends need you.

Spread the Word, Stop the Spread

Whether or not you are in a position to make a monetary donation, you can still help. Please forward a link to this fundraising campaign along to friends, family, coworkers, coaches, professors, your boyfriend's parents, the lady you met on the bus... The best way we can fight Ebola is to match its infectiousness with compassion and education.


Raise Awareness: Thank you for your support! $10 can cover the cost of educating Sierra Leoneans about Ebola prevention through flyers and signs.

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Isolation Unit Wall: $25 can buy the separation barrier between two beds in an isolation unit. A wall can be the difference between one case of Ebola or an entire family getting Ebola.

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Feed a Person in Isolation: If someone in a household has come into contact with someone with ebola, he or she must enter an isolation unit for 21 days to stop the virus from spreading to other family members. That means the person cannot farm, buy food or even cook in their outdoor kitchens during that time. $40 can feed a quarantined family member during the 21 days quarantine.

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A Bed in an Isolation Unit: $60 can buy a bed, bed net and sheets that will host a quarantined or sick person for at least 21 days.

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Feed A Family: During government enforced village-wide quarantines, families were unable to attend to their farms or go to the market. Subsequently, crop yields are much lower this year headed into the dry season and families are going to be hungry. $80 can buy a 100 pound bag of rice and other basic food stuffs to feed a family for a month.

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raised of $8,000.00 goal
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