Help family

Fundraising campaign by Goran Ivic
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Family help

Hello, you are my only hope. I cannot say how ashamed I am and how desperate I am. The other day, I saw an announcement for internet loans in a group where a man asks if he should take it, and then I look at the comments and see that there are still good people. This is how I lost about 9,000 euros with those internet loans. I have two small children and a wife who does not work. It has come to the point that as soon as I get a salary, I no longer have it and I have nothing to live on. I know it's not a humanitarian organization, but if everyone in your group would pay a few euros, I could at least repay something. My only goal is to reduce it all to zero, to live normally with ordinary loans like all normal people. I wanted to take another loan to close it, but I can't because of those loans. If someone is willing to pay, it's not a problem or counter service or anything. I have proof of everything that he didn't think I was a scumbag, but I just want to return everything so that I can live normally with my family. Thanks for reading


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raised of €8,500.00 goal
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