Help dog Mom and puppies in Noginsk, Russia

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    raised of $251.00 goal goal
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Dear friends,

It is my first gogetfunding campaign and the only reason why I am doing that is because I could not find any other way to help. I mean, I did help as much as I could, but I cannot do it alone, without you. So, if you can, please join me in helping this brave and dedicated volunteer from Russia, who helps homeless animals no matter what and does that all by herself.

Margarita Morozova from the town of Noginsk, Moscow region (Russia) helps homeless cats and dogs to get off the street and find a loving home. Unfortunately, the government does not provide any support and that job is done exclusively by individual volunteers or private shelters and people, like us, who make donations to help.

A week ago, Margarita, who lives near a large residential construction site and regularly comes there to feed homeless dogs, discovered that one of the dogs had just given birth to five puppies. She decided to save them, took them off the street and found a foster home, where the dog Mom and the puppies were taken without any advance payment. Now, Margarita is raising money for vaccinations, tests, checkups and foster care. So, far she was able to raise $120 out of $620 needed for the first month.

Margarita is desperate and has only one week to raise the remaining funds to pay for the foster care. I have been in touch with her and decided to help. We are raising money for two months of foster and medical care ($1100), which should be sufficient to get them ready for adoption.

Please consider making a donation to help those little cuties. A $5 donation will be a very generous gift and highly appreciated. Sharing this campaign will also help!

Thank you for being awesome!


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raised of $251.00 goal
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No more donations are being accepted at this time. Please contact the campaign owner if you would like to discuss further funding opportunities