Help Build the Wall

Fundraising campaign by M Barkley
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America needs your help.

This is urgent. We need to preserve and protect America's Sovereignty. We need to stop the liberals in Congress. They are trying to cram open borders down our throats and we can not let them succeed. This has gone on long enough.

With your donation we will make sure our voices are heard in Washington. We're able to contact government officials to make them listen to what's right for America. When they hear our demands for safe borders and Trumps Wall, we will claim Victory for America. Once and for all.

This is Trumps legacy. He told us he was going to do it, we voted for him to do it, and now we must help him do it.

To continue this campaign fighting for America we need ammunition. We need your donations to help us with our efforts to drown out the fake news media with our voices of truth and freedom.

Were getting so close to victory. Please donate now because we can't do it without you. With your help we can win and make Trumps wall a reality.

Donations make a great gift! For donations of $100 or more, we'll also send a personalized note thanking you for your support of America. 🇺🇸


  • M Barkley
  • Campaign Owner

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