Help Baby Charlie for HEART surgery.

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Hello everyone, My son has extremely rare Desease. Charlie, my 2 yearly old son , was born with extremely rare Desease , and debilitating Desease called BRANCHIO-OTO- RENAL. In our home country south African they have only been 50 cases of (BOR) to date. Because of this Desease doctors stated that his kidneys will only reach 1.3 centimetres in sizes, where as adults kidney typically reaches 11 centimetre ... When Charlie was only 6 months old , his kidneys cease filtering toxic substance in his body and , as a result , he began undergoing dialysis treatment at such a tender age. After one year of dialysis, he was then diagnosed with End stage Renal Desease. Charlie doctors also informed me that his heart was weakening , and recommended that he seek a kidney transplant as soon as possible... Long and hard was to get heart transplant , Eventually, after seeking to identify organ donors in Cape town which ,incidentally, is extremely uncommon , it was determined that Charlie 's uncle might be the closest match for him . However , because of the length of time that Charlie had suffered this affliction , his heart function had deteriorated to 40% of a normal heart capacity. The doctor informed our family that , in order to undergo the kidney transplant , charlie's heart would , at minimum , need to function at 50% or more of its capability. Thus, in the doctor opinion , Charlie could not qualify for kidney transplant surgery because the Risk to him was far to high.. instead Charlie would need a heart transplant first.. This news was devastating, for our family, but in spite of such long odds, they remained hopeful that Charlie has been waiting for 1 yearly, for a new heart , but continue to receive dialysis and heart treatment daily .. Hard times living in hospital for such a Tring Desease. In order to prevent Charlie heart conditioning from worsening , the doctor limited his ingestion of fluids to only 300 cc water per day. Where as healthy children often beg their parents for ice cream or sweets, Charlie constantly begged me for more water. And , even though it crushes my heart to say ''no" on a daily basis , I have no choice but to deny him.. More recently , in spite of taking such precautions and daily treatments, chalie 's heart was diagnosed with a cardiomyopathy issue , and the doctor informed me that his chance for survival were extremely low , chances for survival were extremely low unless he received a HEART TRANSPLANT SOON.. As a result , the hospital agreed to advance his heart transplant request towards the top of the waiting list. Charlie basically lives in the hospital this days, where he relies on dopamine injection to keep his heart functioning.. A few days ago , the doctor informed me that Charlie heart condition is now causing his other organs to fail, and that , he may soon die of heart failure . Charlie doctor recommended the installation of a thoratec ventricular assist Device to bring his heart functionality up to 50% so he can receive the kidney transplant which , in turn , will improve the health of his heart.. Cost of THORATEC ventricular assist device and aheart transplant surgery. When I asked about the cost of using a Thoratec ventricular Assist Device charlie's doctor informed me, that the device cost $140.000 the price will add up our expected expense for a heart transplant surgery , about $ 133,000 USD PLEASE WE DO NEED YOUR SUPPORT. While the use of a (Thoratec Ventricular assist device) did offer me a glimmer of hope , the cost is prohibitive. Because me I must be constantly be at his side , I am no longer working, it is unfortunate Charlie's dad , died 2 years ago. without any financial assistance however , it would take years before I can be able to save my son. With that kind of amount of money , but Lest we forget that Charlie 's remaining time with me, is likely measure in days not years or even more moths.. After undergoing so much painful treatment , he is still fighting with the death of life not giving up.. Here I hope to share his story I hope to raise Funds for Charlie to help him to see hope of life again . I pled to the people in the world , please help me to save my son please donate I will be gretfull ,or share my storie. Please help me I begged you all , I appeal to you all. Please help me to save my son, tank you very much...


i am a mom

i am a mom

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raised of $100,000.00 goal
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