Help Anna and her daughter Eve to financially recover

Fundraising campaign by Lanceric Tse
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Anna and her daughter Eve live in the city of Volzhsky in Volgograd Oblast, Russia. Anna is a single mother who gave birth to Eve less than a year ago. They are currently living with an abusive family, on welfare and in heavy debt with the bank.

Backstory about Anna, a few years ago, Anna was getting married and her then fiancé convinced her to take out a loan together for the wedding and the honeymoon. However, her fiancé took the money and disappeared right before the wedding, leaving Anna in heavy debt. She could only cover the minimum payment through borrowing money and wages from a low paying job.

A little over 2 years ago Anna managed to get a modelling gig in Hong Kong recommended by a friend. It did not turn out to be the big opportunity that she was led to believe as her agent took a massive cut out of her pay checks and she had to pay for expensive accommodation which was also arranged by that agent. I met Anna through a gig I was shooting and we have stayed in touch since. Covid hit a few months later and Anna's job numbers took a great hit.

Anna went to a bar one night, and she was drugged and raped by a stranger. The police was not able to find the perpetrator and offered very little assistance. A few weeks later she found out she was pregnant. Her agent quickly let go of her and cut off contact when he found out. She had to spend money on temporary accommodation without any income. She had considered abortion but her family coerced her into going back to Russia and giving birth because of their religious views.

So Anna went back to Russia and gave birth to Eve, who luckily is somewhat healthy. Unfortunately, her family has becoming increasingly emotionally abusive, a brother of hers even turned out to be a pedophile but he's still hanging around Eve all the time with no objections from the rest of the family. And meanwhile, Anna is still not fit to work, getting by solely through state welfare, and Covid is still ravaging where she lives. She caught the virus, managed to recover but she's still not in great shape. It also does not help that her problematic family does not believe in Covid.

For the sake of her daughter, Anna wants to raise enough money to clear the debt with her bank and move away from her family and start a new life elsewhere.


  • Lanceric Tse
  • Campaign Owner

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raised of HK$50,000.00 goal
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