Healing from Bulimia

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Hi! I'm a US citizen currently residing in the Philippines, and have been struggling with bulimia for 7 years. At present, to say I'm at my wits end is a gross understatement. I'm completely lost. There is deep desire within me to get better, however my old habits always seem to get the better of me. I've gotten used to quick fixes and the easy way out my entire life, now I have no clue how to piece everything back together. I'm completely willing to be confined/admitted in an eating disorder treatment facility, however all the facilities here are for substance use and have very little to no knowledge on how to treat an eating disorder- if they even know what it is…. My family can’t afford for treatment away from here. Which is currently leading them to send me to a drug rehab here, but deep down I just know it won’t be right…. I just can't help but feel like I'm an adult being sent to a pediatrician. How can these people really help me if they have no experience dealing with an affliction like mine, if they haven't studied and gone through people like me and how we operate? How will they know where to begin? That’s where my problem lies now, where I’m really hoping you can help me.. All that’s in the way of me getting the help I desperately need is funding.. It would truly mean the world to me if you can help me, in any way you can, move forward with this. Because I’m just so tired of it getting in the way of all my dreams, of all I want to do for others and the world.. for all the positive change I want to instill in society. Everything. I’m nearly 26 and have no accomplishments to speak of, and right now I can feel my life wasting away as I wallow in misery, loneliness and anger each day..  Please know that your contribution, no matter the size, will be going towards great things- not just my journey to recovery, but my journey to sparking great change in the world.


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raised of $30,000.00 goal
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