GVN South Dakota

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Hi my name is Jon Loader I will be volunteering for 10 weeks starting in August 2013 with Global Volunteer Network, a non- profit organization based in New Zealand.  My goal is to raise 3,000 pounds that will include the costs for three meals a day, lodging with a residential family, airfare and any extra will go towards buying games and toys for the youth centre for the kids of the Cheyenne River Sioux Reservation.

So let me tell you a bit about their struggle. Located in two of the five poorest counties in the United States, the Cheyenne River Sioux Reservation struggles with the challenges of poverty, unemployment substance abuse, harsh weather conditions, depression, and high suicide rate. and caught in the middle are the kids. 50% of the population of Cheyenne River is under 18 years of age and taking the brunt of whats happeing on the reservations. these kids have to deal with harsships on a spiritual and a personal level and in the end when it comes to much suicide comes to mind and when kids as young as 12 have been killing themselves because they see no more hope then there is a problem.

When people have asked the kids whats the main problem, they say that there is nothing to do in the town, there is no after school activtes to help stimulate young minds and keep there minds off all the bad stuff that has been happening.

My goal is for me to go to Eagle Butte the biggest town in the Cheyenne River Sioux Reservation and volunter in the youth centre, Cheyenne River Youth Project (CRYP) and help make the kids abetter place over the summer holidays giving kids activitys to do in and outdoors, making sure there all happy and if thay have any problames thay can come and talk to me, and if come back knowing that ive stopped kids from resorting to suicide then i will be happy, knowing that i have made a difference.

So please help me as much as you can but most of all help them by surpporting me in helping these forgotten people.



a personal thank you to everyone who does a donation.

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