Get Woke!

Fundraising campaign by Marvin Jones
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Get Woke!

“Get Woke” is an activist phrase that means “become aware of social injustices”. It is used to challenge a person to see social problems, specifically racial ones, instead of dismissing them as issues perceived by sensitive individuals with an agenda.


Y’all … help eliminate prejudice, discrimination and racism in America by demanding equality and justice for all racial categories of people that comprise our great nation!

All races should work together to eliminate racism. This approach to problem solving would then agree with the following quote made by the African American writer and political activist Eldridge Cleaver - “If you are not a part of the solution, you are a part of the problem.”

Preface for Project

Over the last couple of years, much has been said about the injustice and oppression the Blacks have suffered now and in the past. This talk has primarily been in regards to eliminating racism and changing things to suit the preferences of the Blacks.

During this same period in time, and from a very honest and unbiased viewpoint, the Project Creator (hereinafter called the “Creator”) doesn’t remember hearing anything being said that was positive about the Whites. In actual fact, the Whites were being blamed for causing the Blacks to suffer. This was evidenced by all the statements made about systemic racism and how such term originated from the laws established by America’s founding fathers that happened to be White.

So, why do you think the Whites of today are being unjustly persecuted? Regardless of any reason, it is not right because … prejudice, discrimination, and racism are like a two-way street. It all goes both ways! Contrary to what some people would like you to believe, just because a person is White doesn’t mean they are a racist and vice versa with respect to all the other races of people.

In the Creator’s opinion, the following two problems exist in our society today that must be corrected before any improvement can be made in the areas of discrimination and racism:

• The first problem deals with the fact that the Whites do not have a racially-named organization which provides them with equal representation among all the other racial categories of people in the United States. When things are being said about the Whites that are not right, the Whites need to stand up and let their voices be heard; and

• The second problem deals with the fact that the Whites need to stop being politically correct when dealing with racial issues. The Whites need to be honest and forthright. Being politically correct is a sign of weakness. And, weak people are easily taken advantage of. Besides, being politically correct does not solve any problems related to discrimination and racism.

It was also realized that the bigger part of these problems should be corrected by the Whites.

With the above in mind, it was envisioned that the formation of a new nonprofit corporation for the Whites would help solve the aforementioned problems and thereby contribute to the elimination of prejudice, discrimination and racism in America.

Formation of Project

After recognizing the disparity in representation for the Whites among all the other races of people many years ago, and then seeing the situation was becoming worse, the Creator took it upon himself to start the formation of a new nonprofit corporation that would help the Whites better handle this issue.

Because nothing has been done to date to improve the situation described above, the Creator is now taking the opportunity to introduce the formation of the new nonprofit to the viewers of GoGetFunding (GGF). The name of the new nonprofit is the “National Association for the Welfare of White Americans” (NAWWA). A prototype of the nonprofit is currently being shown on the Internet as a “start-up” organization with the domain name of

At this juncture it is important to point out that the purpose of the “Project” is to assist the Creator with registering NAWWA as a 501(c)(3) nonprofit corporation.

Additionally, the Project described herein complies with all the GGF Terms And Conditions, including the “In everyday terms”, “Rules and Conduct” and “Third Party Sites”. This compliance is validated by the explanations provided below.

In regards to the “In everyday terms”, the Project:

> does not contain Content associated with hate groups or terrorist organizations.

Because its content is directed at eliminating the prejudice, discrimination and racism that has long plagued our society and encourages “all” races to work together to resolve these issues.

> does not contain Hurtful or hateful language.

Because its language is truthful, impartial and objective about what is happening among the races in America today.

> does not contain Violent or hateful material.

Because its material is directed at diffusing the tension and anxiety that currently exists among the races due to the prejudice, discrimination and racism.

> does not make False, misleading, dishonest statements.

Because, and as noted above, its statements are truthful, impartial and objective.

> does not Campaign in support of rebel groups, militias, gangs, or any organized violence.

Because it advocates for equality and justice among all the races and for the elimination of prejudice, discrimination and racism.

In regards to the “Rules and Conduct”, the Creator will not (a) take any action or (b) upload, download, post, submit or otherwise distribute or facilitate distribution of any content on or through the Service, including without limitation any User Submission, that:

> Creator knows is false, misleading, untruthful or inaccurate; and

> Is unlawful, threatening, abusive, harassing, defamatory, libelous, deceptive, fraudulent, invasive of another’s privacy, tortious, obscene, offensive, or profane.

Because, and in reiterating most of what was stated above, the content and User Submission included in the Project are, according to public knowledge, truthful, impartial and objective about everything that has happened, and is still happening, among the races in America today. The intent of the Project is directed at eliminating the prejudice, discrimination and racism that has long plagued our society. It encourages “all” of the races to work together to resolve these issues. The content and User Submission also advocate for equality and justice among all the races in order to achieve the goals of the Project.

In regards to “Third Party Sites”, it is very important that the Project be linked to the NAWWA website. This is because NAWWA is an integral part of the Project and is continually referred to as such in the Project. Even though NAWWA is not a registered 501(c)(3) nonprofit corporation, it still has its own, stand alone, domain name. For these reasons, it is essential that NAWWA be included in the Project as a third party site. Therefore, the Creator acknowledges and agrees that the GGF Terms and Conditions for Third Party Sites will also be in full force and effect.

Purpose of Project

The purpose of the Project is multi-faceted in that there is more than one reason for its use.For instance:

As previously stated, the purpose of the Project is to assist the Creator with registering NAWWA as a 501(c)(3) nonprofit corporation. In fact, the provision of this assistance is the very “first” (or primary) purpose of the Project.

However, the assistance to be provided by the Creator in itself is considered a “second” purpose for the Project. This is because NAWWA is a start-up organization and much work needs to be completed before it will become a registered nonprofit corporation. This assistance will enable the Creator to register NAWWA in a more expeditious manner.

Interestingly, it was also recognized there is a “third” purpose of the Project that will be of a benefit to both the Creator and NAWWA. This third purpose will assist the Creator in promoting NAWWA to others. This will be accomplished through the exposure of the Project (which includes NAWWA) to the viewers of GGF.

Finally, there is a “fourth” purpose of the Project that will again be of a benefit to both the Creator and NAWWA. This fourth purpose will be in the form of a dual role simultaneously performed by the Creator. For example, while the Creator is assisting with registering NAWWA as a 501(c)(3) nonprofit corporation, the Creator will also be assisting NAWWA with advocating equality and justice for “all” races of people. In other words, the Creator will continue developing NAWWA while the Project is in progress.

And, the overall purpose of NAWWA will be to effectively deal with other social issues, specifically racial ones, which we are facing in America today. Examples of the areas where these other issues might be incurred are listed in the “Aims and Purposes” section on the NAWWA website.

At this time it is important to point out that discrimination and racism can happen to anyone, regardless of their race. It is not fun because the Creator knows based upon personal experience. This is more fully explained in the “true” online Article with “verifiable” facts titled NAWWA and the Most Terrifying Words. As a matter of fact, one of the reasons for forming NAWWA was based upon preventing an incident like the one described in the Article from happening to other people. This is because what has happened in the Article can also happen to the viewers.

Moreover, the Creator wants to prevent the prejudice, discrimination and racism from happening to the other races as well. This would help ensure equality and fairness for everyone. An example of how this can be accomplished is set forth in the online Article titled NAWWA will Help Eradicate Racism. It is also planned that NAWWA will continue to publish other articles about discrimination and racism as the need arises.

Even though membership in NAWWA as a registered 501(c)(3) nonprofit corporation will be intended for White Americans, any other racial category of people who agrees with the ideology and objectives of the new nonprofit will be welcome to join.

Conception of NAWWA

The conception of NAWWA is not new. Others have thought about this type of organization many years before and some of them have even launched similar versions of what NAWWA is now doing.

Another reason why the Creator is forming NAWWA is based upon what he heard many White Americans say years ago which was, “It’s not fair for the Whites to not have their own organization which provides them with the same benefits that are being provided to the other racial categories of people by their organizations.”

But, ironically, the Creator also noticed that the same White Americans who previously made or agreed with the above statement are reluctant to admit it today. Why? Could it be because the White Americans have been brain-washed into thinking they will now be called racists for wanting to provide for their own welfare?


As the new nonprofit’s name implies, NAWWA will help the White Americans like:

  • LULAC does for the Hispanic population;
  • the NAACP does for Blacks or African Americans;
  • the NAAAP does for Asian Americans;
  • the NCAI does for Native Americans and Alaska Natives; and,
  • the NHOA and NHPI do for Native Hawaiians and Other Pacific Islanders.

An Introduction which explains the reasons for forming the nonprofit together with a Mission Statement, Vision Statement, its Primary Objectives, and the Aims and Purposes are all presented on the NAWWA website.

Equal Representation

It was recognized many years ago that the White Americans did not have a racially-named organization which provided them with “equal” representation among all the other racially-named organizations in the United States. This can be both frustrating and very disappointing for the White Americans because they do not have a voice in many things that pertain to them. It only stands to reason that a person without representation is defenseless and can easily be persecuted by others who have representation and, conversely, a person with representation can easily persecute and take advantage of others who don’t have representation. In particular, this analogy pertains to all issues involving all racial-categories of people and their organizations.

But let’s keep in mind that the representation for the White Americans must be both credible and proactive and not controversial or confrontational. Based upon the ideology and guiding principles of NAWWA, the White Americans would be provided with their much needed and equal representation.

Political Correctness

It was also recognized that many White Americans acted in a hypocritical manner or maintained double standards when dealing with racial issues. Why? The Creator thinks the White Americans act in such a manner to be “politically correct” rather than be truthful by abiding by their personal convictions. They choose to be politically correct so they won’t have to fear any reprisals that might cause them losses, examples of which could include a reduction of votes for a politician, or customers for a merchant, or members in a congregation.

The strategy of being politically correct may serve its purpose for the time being. But, in reality, political correctness is a sign of weakness and doesn’t contribute to solving the problems of discrimination and racism. This is because a problem cannot be solved until its root cause is determined and the findings are dealt with in an honest and unbiased manner. So, it’s understandable that the fear of not being politically correct can be considered one of the causes, if not the primary cause, for the many racial problems we are having in America today.


Based upon the above explanations, it should now be realized that registering NAWWA as a new 501(c)(3) nonprofit corporation would place the White Americans on a level playing field with all the other racial categories of people in the United States. Then, from that point forward, all of the races could collaborate as a team to determine how to resolve the issues of racism that are preventing many citizens in our great nation from functioning as a whole. With all the races working together to eradicate prejudice, discrimination and racism, it could then be seen that Aristotle’s metaphysical phrase quoted below would accurately reflect the modern concept of “social” synergy.

“The Whole is Greater than the Sum of its Parts”

It is hoped that the viewers will help eliminate hatred and bigotry in the United States now and in the future by promoting the diversity and equality of rights among “all” racial categories of people, including the White Americans, which comprise our great nation. Remember - If you are not a part of the solution, you are a part of the problem.

About the Creator

A biography of the Creator is presented on the NAWWA website.

Why NAWWA is Needed

By now the viewers might be asking, “Why is NAWWA needed in the first place?”

The answer to this question is provided by the question that many White Americans asked in the previous section which involves the fact that the White Americans should have an organization which provides them with the same type of benefits, including representation, that are provided to the other racial categories of people by their organizations. After all, isn’t equality and justice for “all” races of people in our society what it’s all about to begin with?

Another answer to the question would include the fact that, according to the statistics reported by the U.S. Census Bureau, the White race is quickly diminishing and will no longer make up the majority of the population in America. Children in the U.S. will get there the soonest and more than half of them are expected to be part of a minority race or ethnic group by 2020 (which has already happened). This will put White Americans under the age of 18 at the front of a trend that will see the general population follow suit some 20 years later. Therefore, the Project will remind the White Americans of their pending transition from a majority to minority race which should help them prepare for any adversity they incur during and after the transition.

Of course, by now it should be understood that one of the primary purposes of the Project is to provide the White Americans with a “voice” (or representation) among all the other racial categories of people in the United States. Without this representation, it is understandable why the White Americans are defenseless and can easily be persecuted by the other races that have representation. With this in mind, and from an honest and unbiased point of view, can anyone tell the Creator if the White Americans have been subjected to any injustices or oppression over the last couple of years?

Why Use GGF

The first reason for using GGF is to inform the viewers that the Project has been created to assist the Creator with registering NAWWA as a new 501(c)(3) nonprofit corporation.

The second reason for using GGF is to inform the viewers that NAWWA is being formed to provide for the equal representation and welfare of White Americans.

And, the third reason for using GGF is to find out if NAWWA is a viable undertaking.

If NAWWA is a viable undertaking, then it is anticipated that the Project will be able to obtain the funds needed for recruiting a minimum of 3 directors to serve on the Board of Directors and continue with work associated with registering NAWWA as a 501(c)(3) nonprofit corporation.

It should also be noted that, to date, the Creator has not been able to successfully introduce NAWWA to viewers. The Creator thinks this is primarily due to the racial aspects of NAWWA’s subject matter. In other words, it would not be “politically correct” for the White Americans to be seen supporting an organization that is being formed to represent only them and provide for their welfare. If this is true, then the fear of not being “political correct” is again one of the factors that are perpetuating the racial problems which we are having in America today!

Project Plan

As previously indicated, the first objective for introducing the Project on GGF is to inform the viewers that NAWWA is being formed to provide for the equal representation and welfare of White Americans.

The second objective for introducing the Project on GGF is that it provides a preface for the Project Plan which is as follows:

After the Project has been introduced on GGF, it is planned that the viewers will indicate whether or not NAWWA is a viable undertaking. This would be made known by the degree of acceptance or rejection of the Project by the viewers.

In other words, if there is a large following of the Project by the viewers, this would indicate NAWWA is being accepted as a viable undertaking as confirmed by the many donations. Conversely, if there is a small following of the Project by the viewers, this would indicate NAWWA is being rejected as a viable undertaking as confirmed by the lack of donations.

Based upon the above findings, the Creator will then be able to make an informed decision on whether to continue the Project or to cancel it and NAWWA altogether. In any case, it will be interesting to see how this evaluation scheme plays out?

Project Schedule

In regards to the Project Schedule, it is understood that a Project can be run on GGF for as long as the Creator likes. Therefore, the Project will run on GGF for as long as the Creator thinks the viewers have had an opportunity to see it.

Thereafter, if NAWWA is a viable undertaking, the Creator will work in conjunction with an attorney to produce a definitive Schedule for completing the Project. The Project Schedule would show all key activities together with their completion dates for registering NAWWA as a 501(c)(3) nonprofit corporation.

Project Budget

From a financial perspective, NAWWA as presented to date has been solely funded by the Creator. And, the same can be said about the Project.

Again, without knowing whether or not NAWWA will be a viable undertaking, it would be difficult to specify the total amount of funds required for registering it as a 501(c)(3) nonprofit corporation.

However, based upon the large amounts of money raised for other nonprofit organizations on the crowdfunding websites, it is more than reasonable for the Creator to set the Budget for the Project at only $10,000.

The above figure is a fair and reasonable amount when considering all the expenses that will be incurred during the start-up phase of NAWWA alone. These expenses include, but are not limited to, the cost of legal services for appointing a Registered Agent, preparing the Certificate of Formation, obtaining the state and federal tax exemptions, writing the Project’s bylaws, filing the Articles of Incorporation, and completing other related documentation. Of course, any money received in excess of the Budget amount will be greatly appreciated and would be used to fund the other tasks that remain to be completed for registering NAWWA as a 501(c)(3) nonprofit corporation.

Needs of Project

It is anticipated that the exposure of the Project to the viewers of GGF will generate enough funds to enable the Creator to fulfill the Project’s current and foremost needs which are as follows:

The current needs of the Project are twofold with the MOST IMPORTANT NEED being a minimum of 3 directors must be recruited for serving on NAWWA’s Board of Directors. To date, no one has expressed an interest in serving as a Board member. This is not surprising when considering NAWWA has been given very little exposure to viewers. However, it could also be indicative of a bigger problem that is associated with the “political correctness” of serving in such capacity on an organization which is being formed to benefit only White Americans. At this time the Creator simply does not know? But, perhaps exposure of the Project to the viewers of GGF will resolve this issue.

The second important need of the Project consists of completing the Certificate of Formation for registering NAWWA as a 501(c)(3) nonprofit corporation. It happens that the Certificate of Formation cannot be completed until the minimum of 3 directors are listed in the document. And, ironically, many of all the other documents that are required for registering NAWWA as a nonprofit corporation are also dependent upon completion of the Certificate of Formation.


It is not surprising to realize that the recent events across the country have made the American people more aware of the inequality and injustice that exists among some of the races. Unfortunately, most of the events have produced an increase in the prejudice, discrimination and racism that is now at the forefront of national discussions. In order to solve this problem, we all must do our part by taking the necessary action and making our voices heard.

Furthermore, based upon everything that has been presented in this Story, if the White Americans really want to provide for their welfare while also helping to eliminate the prejudice, discrimination and racism that has long plagued our society, then it is suggested they give the Project more serious consideration.

Racial inequality and injustice have no place in our society. It’s time to come together, keep this important conversation going, and help enact real change.

Thank you & God bless,

Marvin Jones - Project Creator


Oct 04

More Emails and Messages

Update posted by Marvin Jones at 12:18 pm

As of today, more emails and messages about the Project were sent to other people and organizations. This included: about another 9 emails to the “governmental and civic” audience; and100 messages to all “U.S. Senators”. Because “Get Woke!” should be of a STATE and NATIONAL concern to all U.S. Senators,

See update
Sep 27


Update posted by Marvin Jones at 11:54 am

To date, many emails about “Get Woke!” have been sent to various people and organizations. Most of the recipients were people and organizations I had contacted before.This included: about 35 emails to a “general” audience; andabout 90 emails to a group of “independent journalists”. Unfortunately, no donations have been received

See update
Sep 21

Thank You GGF

Update posted by Marvin Jones at 02:53 pm

This update is a “thank you” to GoGetFunding (GGF) for publishing “Get Woke!” on their website. I have worked on the Project for many years and recently tried to have it published on KickStarter (KS) and GoFundMe (GFM) - only to be denied. The section titled “Formation of Project” explained. . . . .

See update


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