Get Back on Track

Fundraising campaign by MissEve
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Wow, life can be difficult! I know they try and tell you that as you grow up but it isn't until you experience it first hand you get it! After a marriage breakdown from alcoholic husband at just 23 I had no idea the difficulty I would encounter over the coming years. I was left in a newly bought house with a mortgage I couldnt afford and due to the drop in value resale wasnt an option as i had no means to pay the negative equity. In a desperate trap between the two painful financial options I chose to try and pay the mortage alone. I struggled and along with other financial commitments it was not long until I needed the help of the bank of Mum and Dad to help bail me out. At the time all i could think was how grateful I was to them to help me out. Only now several years later do i truely understand what they did for me and I am more than ever wanting to repay them the money I owe and also the favour. I have worked really hard to reduce how much i owe them but at it was such a large bail out sum in the first place it seems never ending.  I know that unfortunately I am not the only one in such a situation but I am really focussed on paying back my parents, they are getting closer to retirement age and deserve the money they have earned for themselves.  I am commited to becoming and remaining debt free and whilst this is a selfish request I would be eternally grateful to anyone who can help me achieve that.


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