Game Development Hardware

Fundraising campaign by Mzi Eland
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    raised of $3,000.00 goal goal
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Dear Donor,

My name is Mzi Eland and I am an animator with over 10 years of experience in the industry. I have a passion for creating engaging and immersive experiences through animation and storytelling, and I am writing to ask for your help in bringing my dream project to life.

I have always been fascinated by video games and their ability to transport players to new worlds and experiences. Over the years, I have honed my skills as an animator and have developed a strong interest in creating my own video game. I have written a story that I believe will make for an exciting and captivating game, and I am seeking your support to help me make it a reality.

The game I want to create is an Action Adventure game, set in a multiverse, ranging from modern cities to medieval castles. The story I have written is about a young man thrown into this multiverse and trying to find out who he is while trying to stop a version of himself from taking over everything. I am confident that this game will be a hit with gamers and will provide hours of entertainment and enjoyment.

However, creating a video game is no easy feat. It requires a significant investment in time, resources, and equipment. That's why I am turning to the community for support. I am seeking to raise $3000 to cover the costs of hardware i want to buy for this project: CPU, GPU, RAM, Solid State Drives and a cooling case. With your help, I will be able to bring my vision to life and share it with the world.

I have created this crowdfunding page where you can contribute to my cause. In exchange for your support, I will offer demos and work in progress builds (early access) to the game and a chance to be in it yourself. I am committed to making this game the best it can be, and I hope you will join me on this journey.

Thank you for considering my request for funding. Your support means the world to me, and I am grateful for anything you can contribute.




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raised of $3,000.00 goal
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