Funding for Pastry School

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Desserts are the delicious, edible art that brings together friends, family, and coworkers.  As a child I remember watching my mother pouring  her creativity and love for us into her cookies, cakes, candies, and pies.  The smells of light and flaky crust, bubbling hot apples, cherries, and rum sauce filled our kitchen and helped make it home. My mom has passed away from cancer, but when I am baking I always feel connected to her. More than anything I am driven to share that sense of warmth and love that I always felt in my mother's kitchen.  I would like to attend pastry school so that I can obtain the skills I need to become a professional pastry chef.  One day I even hope to be able to open my own pastry shop, so that I will be able to share not only what I will learn in pastry school, but also my mother's special recipes. Thank you!


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raised of $10,000.00 goal
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