Funding for a new bestfriend

Fundraising campaign by Pei Ling Boo
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Raised offline: SG$112.00
Total: SG$112.00
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Hello, I am a student looking for a bestfriend.

I have always wanted to get a dog since young, i personally don’t come from a well to do family, so it makes it harder to save up for this puppy as the student that i am.

However, recently i visited a pet farm and was so attracted to this puppy in my first sight, i believe that the instant connection is there, how he stood up with his puppy eyes when i left, made me feel as though he was meant to be mine to care for and love. I really hope that i could bring him home one day, i haven’t been able to stop thinking about him since then.

I honestly never expected to want a puppy so pricey but the thought of money went out the window once I laid my eyes on him, this is why I really hope that i could get some help to raise funds to allow me to bring him back home.

Any amount will be greatly appreciated as it helps me get a step closer to being able to take care of him for his entire lifetime. Please help me out with this long time dream. Thank you very much.

**DISCLAIMER: the photo that i used for this campaign is taken from google, its just a look a like to the puppy i truly wants.


  • Pei Ling Boo
  • Campaign Owner

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Donated So Far
Raised offline: SG$112.00
Total: SG$112.00

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