Funding a Business is HARD to do

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    raised of $5,500.00 goal goal
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Raised offline: $500.00
Total: $500.00
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Hello Everyone, my name is Shawonna Hamilton and for as long as I can remember I have always wanted to be my own boss. After pondering on an idea for years, I have decided to go into business for myself. When I was a child growning up in Texarkana, Arkansas; there was a wonderful shaved ice shop that I visited quite frequently. I went there almost every day that they were open because it was so delicious. The quality of shaved ice that I received every single time was truly amazing but after moving to Arizona, I could no longer indulge in one of my favorite treats. Arizona is known for being so hot in the summer months that I cannot believe that there are no "real" shaved ice shops that are anywhere near me. I have decided to open Southern Delights Shaved Ice LLC, which I am very proud to say that will be bringing the best shaved ice to the Phoenix area. I do however, need help funding my startup! I need assistance purchasing most of the equipment, supplies, and other miscellaneous items needed to successfully open my business. I am so passionate about the open of my business that I have already filed and been approved for all licenses needed to do business in Phoenix, Arizona. I will be attaching them so anyone interested in looking them over can do so.

I'd like to personally thank everyone for visiting my fundraiser!

Again, Thanks!

Shawonna Hamilton


Personal email and thank you note from me

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raised of $5,500.00 goal
0% Funded
0 Donors
Raised offline: $500.00
Total: $500.00

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