Fund My Book-Change A Life

Fundraising campaign by Olivia Grace
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Hi There!

My name is Olivia Grace and thank you for taking to time to consider my mission! I am the author of a poetry manuscript, Playgrounds and Minefields, an original poetry compilation. Unfortunately, I am indebted to the press over $2000, and publishing has been haulted indefinitely because of it. As a student working towards my Ph. D, I am at a point in my life in which I can hardly afford a taco, much less a publishing venture. I know what you're thinking-it's the same old struggling author story, but please hear me out. This isn't just any old poetry book. This book was written with a specific purpose, and it needs to be published! Why?


When I was young I had a fervent love for poetry. I spent hours a day writing poetry and compiling my poems in binders. It was a great love, deep down in my small soul...UNTIL I was introduced to poetry in the academic world. I was frustrated by how dry and passionless all the "technical poetry" seemed, and, since it seemed that this type of poetry was the only right kind of poetry, I stopped writing altogether. My passion, which was so intrinsic to me as a young child, was stripped from me for many years. Only recently, I started writing poetry yet again, and, upon showing others my poetry, I was repeatedly begged to write a poetry book that would shake the bounds of academic poetry and change the way our artistic youth perceive and experience poetry, so as to reignite their interest in a dying art that is critically important to the development of a literary mind. They believed in my work, and I know that if you give my mission a chance, I'll make you believe as well! But first


Every word of this book was carefully written to present each of our own raw, unapologetic, and empassioned human experiences in a way that delves into the souls of readers and projects their own hearts onto the page. And in every word I poured my soul into the mission that had been asked of me, and I know I've succeeded. I just need a little bit of help from you. 

Thank you so much for your consideration of my dream! I promise that if you give me just an inch of faith, I'll give you a reason to believe. 

All my best, 

Olivia Grace


Copy of my book!

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raised of $2,000.00 goal
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