From Paris with Love

Fundraising campaign by arnofisher
  • US$0.00
    raised of $9,000.00 goal goal
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Greenfield Community,After such a long journey to get pregnant, Amy and Issac lost thier baby on December 26th.  We are all so sad to hear about the passing of sweet baby Greenfield, who we were all so eager to welcome to our community.   The doctors say there was an unpreventable, rare infection in the placenta that caused her to go into early labor at 17 weeks.As you can imagine, they are heartbroken and devestated.  Having just moved back to Sebastopol to raise a family, they are now unsure what is next.  Many members of the community have asked what they can do to support Amy and Issac in this tender time.   Prayers and loving energy sent their way are greatly appreciated.  They are feeling overwhelmed and private at this time and may not respond to phone calls or emails, though they quietly appreciate the support.  This fundraiser is raising money to support our dear Amy and Issac so they may have a little time to grieve and reorient to what is next for them.  Any amount helps hold them so they can have a few weeks to process and rest and not need to think about working.  They have a road trip planned to the San Juan islands in the Pacific Northwest sometime this month, once Amy's body is healed from the birth.  Perhaps these funds can help pay for gas, a retreat, a massage, or a nourishing meal along the way.  Thank you for your generosity.


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raised of $9,000.00 goal
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No more donations are being accepted at this time. Please contact the campaign owner if you would like to discuss further funding opportunities