Freedom From It All

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Is it possible in today's world to be 100% self sufficient?

Not just in terms of living in a city and making enough money but living off the land. Away from most technology and constant buzz that is this modern world and still thrive.

I have always wondered if it were even possible for just anyone to do it. Although I have taken courses in survival training and love the outdoors, would I even have the ability to live off the grid? Can someone who has had little training in building be able to build a home in time for winter and stay warm?

These are just a few of my questions and I feel that it is time to test out the dream I have had for years.

My plan:

-To move into a small (pretty run down) trailer on the property ASAP

-Figure out where and how I am going to build my tiny home

-Plan the outhouse

-Clear some space to give more openness

-Plan the raised garden beds to start using next spring

- Plan solar panels and possibly a wind turbine

-Find proper water source to gravity feed house

-Talk to the local community and utilize their skills, experiences and ideas

-If needing to pay for anything only invest in the local community and if I can't find it, I learn it.

-Cut dead standing trees and build a wood shed for storage (winter is coming!)

-Write about the experience including good ideas, bad decisions and what I could have done different

My Goal:

After 1 year of living off grid to be as self sufficient as possible. Grow enough food to eat, sell or trade for other items needed. Use everything possible and have little to no waste. Thrive!

My Challenges:

-Being ready for winter

-Getting materials out to the property. The road isn't really a road and I need to fix/maintain it as much as possible.

-Finding water. There is lots of water but a lot of it is stagnant. I need to find a ground source that I can dig and make a well in order to use and have it run all year long.

-Animals. It is their territory, I am not overly worried about them but I will need to make sure all food and cooking pot, pans and plates are cleaned so no bears come into the site for that.

-Digging. It is a rocky area and I will have to not be picky about how deep I can dig. Post holes and the well are going to be the hardest.


  • Tamara Maxwell
  • Campaign Owner

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raised of CA$5,000.00 goal
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