Free photos for Families in need.

Fundraising campaign by Crista Perry
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We need your help... 4 Photographers I common goal to offer free photos to families in need, We need backdrops and or props.   

Hello I would like to start off by telling you a bit about our project we have started. Myself and 3 local newbie and or wanna be photographers have stated a group up and are offering free family photos for families that can not afford to have family photos done because now days photographers are asking $100's just to meet you and take a few photos of your family and with the economy being the way it is people can not afford family photos, Photo's are so valuable to people and I think everyone should have photos of there family at least once a year. Well because we are trying to offer this service for free we have no funds we all are parents and have are own families to take care of  and truly do not have the extra money to invest and more then anything want to give back.

I do not know what the other photographers reason behind wanting to help but my reason is such a personal reason, In Dec 2006 My daughter Lillian passed away from sid's I was a young mom with no money and no idea how valuable the photos would be one day to me. I have only 5 photos of her and the best photo I have is the one from the hospital. I have no photos with her and to this day it kills me inside.I would love to help as many families as we can with out putting us into the hole to bad.

Thank you for reading and thinking about helping our cause.

Sincerely Crista Perry and the other photographer's



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