Franchise Startup

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    raised of $100,000.00 goal goal
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Raised offline: $100.00
Total: $100.00
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I'm looking into starting up a franchise that brings in a new food creation that started in South Korea into America. There are already franchises running in New Jersey and Texas to list a few by other business owners. I would like to bring it into my state of Wisconsin. My focus is towards the franchise product line called Delimanjoo. They are sweet pastry filled snack desserts that have pre made molds of different 3D shapes such as fish and corn husk. I need more capital to secure a location and the cost of startup. Two-fifths of the cost is for the equipment and training that will be provided by the franchise company. The remaining three-fifths will go to securing a location. Any form of help is deeply appreciated.


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raised of $100,000.00 goal
0% Funded
0 Donors
Raised offline: $100.00
Total: $100.00

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