Crowdfunding Campaigns

We’ve helped people from all over Moldova crowdfund the things that matter to them most. From personal fundraisers, to acts of kindness, emergency relief, and more. Create your campaign for free!

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Ukranian CI Teachers & Organizers Emergency Fund
Update: When we reached 2741 Euros, we looked at our funds and needs by dancers, and realized this sum is. . . . .
62 Donors
€5,673 raised
113% funded
Finally, something that was just a thought becomes reality again. Sunt pe ultima suta de metri and I need your. . . . .
2 Donors
$800 raised
160% funded
Melisa needs your help
Melisa is a fourth child in a big and loving Moldovan family. She was born in January 2013. At the. . . . .
26 Donors
€2,652 raised
40% funded
Susține proiectul meu fotografic – Satul și natura Moldovei
Salut! Mă numesc Roman Friptuleac și sunt un fotograf din Republica Moldova. Am o pasiune deosebită pentru fotografia de peisaje,. . . . .
53 Donors
$1,921 raised
38% funded
Impreuna vom invinge
Bună Oameni buni si cu buna credinta cei ce imi sunteti alaturi vă rog enorm sa ma ajutati sa acumulez. . . . .
27 Donors
€791 raised
17% funded
Help Mia live free from kidney disease
In 1998 Mia Was diagnosed with poor functioning kidney. She first began to feel symptoms worsening in early 2020. Mia. . . . .
3 Donors
$1,035 raised
4% funded
Help to build a shelter for homeless animals
Please, do not look away! These animals urgently need your help! Our organization has been renting the same place for. . . . .
28 Donors
€812 raised
4% funded
Vaz 2102 restauration
At the age of 7 my father told me how to drive a car,and i realised that cars are not. . . . .
4 Donors
€156 raised
3% funded
Eldery in safe
The elderly in the Republic of Moldova are finding difficult to cope with everyday expenses. By receiving an average social. . . . .
3 Donors
€70 raised