Feb 15, 2018 at 01:26 pm

10 days to go!

Update posted by Molly Daniel

10 days to go!

Most of the time our feedback comes in the form of children and parents smiles.

However I wanted to share this message we received from one of the members of the 5th school :

"Thank you so much for offering these children your love and a chance to learn how to express themselves and their feelings in a blank canvas. Because there will be times again when people will try to make their hearts black again, but you will have given them a "weapon" to fight back. The opportunity to fight back using their feelings and thoughts in something creative. I always feel very inspired when I enter the office and I see the creation you made with the children. And I also feel moved in a very profound way. These red, yellow, blue, green marks on the wall is your own effort of getting them out of the black spectrum and shed light and colour into their lives, into our lives. And the feeling gets stronger every time I look at it. It doesn t fade, it becomes stronger. Because all you have done with the children becomes bigger and more influencial every day. You just needed to offer them a starting point. . . I really hope to see you again and come to Athens to welcome you back, not just as the art teachers of our children, but as a part of our really extended family. The children miss you terribly. But thank you, once again. You can t believe how strength you are still offering us. You touched everyone you met and you all left a piece of you everywhere making our days more bright and beautiful. You armoured us with strength..in a way that only art can do.."

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