for my mom you once knew

Fundraising campaign by Arlene Trinidad
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I saw my cousin posted a similar request to fund a medical mission and thought of doing the same but this time for my mother...

My mom means the world to me and the only person I know that always makes life easy even if it’s so difficult.

Last year, I was able to send her right eye for operation but she still needs to get the other eye operated and I have yet to complete saving the amount needed for it.

She’s a previous OFW who never saved for herself. And yes, I’m also an OFW now and one of the many who benefited from all her hardwork. Now, I’m working really hard and doing my best to sustain and provide her the best she can have but my struggle as her daughter to keep up in maintaining her raising daily medicines, monthly check ups, daily needs and delaying her eye operation - is really painful.

So, instead of messaging each of you to ask for help like what she’s doing now, I thought this platform will help to reach out to her previous colleagues, relatives and friends to support.

With all of my heart,
Len Len


  • Arlene Trinidad
  • Campaign Owner

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raised of $1,000.00 goal
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