Finding Footing and Taking Steps Forward

Fundraising campaign by Kyra Gee
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Raised offline: $100.00
Total: $100.00
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This ongoing campaign is to help offset common living expenses including rent, transportation, and care for a young adult with Crohn's disease to continue improving quality of life and contribution to her local community.

There is no urgent need for aid at this time, only gratitude for how community near and far has kept me on my feet in countless ways and ambition to meet expenses in a manner that permits me more freedoms in contributing in my local community.

5 things ABOUT ME:

I was diagnosed with Crohn's at 16. In my case, the disease has been disabling. I'm hopeful bowel transplants will be a reasonable option in the future, until then I do what I can to enjoy my days.

I have never owned my own car. Transportation is my biggest obstacle. It's one of the common expenses I've been unable to provide for myself but would like to achieve by 2020.

My partner and I have been together for over 7 years, Crohn's is a massive challenge to overcome as a single-income household building our life, but one we take on in leaps and bounds.

I'm an aspiring author with a manuscript in the middle-stages of completion. Finishing and publishing a book has been a lifelong aspiration of mine and I still can't believe I'm living out my dream. I'm on schedule to publish end of 2018.

I'm a full-time owner of a sweet, floppy eared 40 lb. shelter mutt and (very) part time dog walker for neighbors. My pup has learned to cue migraines and is learning tasks to help me manage symptoms. Dogs keep me on my feet and moving, they have been a monumental contributor to my stability and disease management.


  • Kyra Gee
  • Campaign Owner

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Donated So Far
Raised offline: $100.00
Total: $100.00

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