Finance Club School Outfit Project

Fundraising campaign by Tom
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Hi! My name is Tom Leo, and I want to introduce to you one of my biggest thoughts so far.

(This is a school project. I don't want to use the school's(private catholic school) name for this fundrasing since it's more like a club activity rather than a school activity. )

The club's formal name is Finance $ Economics. It is established at the beginning of this year, and we have about 15 members, 5 of which are our core members. I'm the starter and the leader of this club, and is personally crazzzzzy about economics and finance. It's not an easy start. All the other clubs in the school are started by teachers, and most of them have already been there for at least about 2 years. I am, however, confident that with enough resource, the club can do all kinds of fancy projects in the school, and all 5 of our core members are devoted to them. We have had two sales so far, both are funded by our own members.

The first one was a Valentine's day project, we picked chocolates, flowers, and little gifts from dollar stores to sell them to couples in the school. It was a small project, we sold out almost everything, and we had a cost of $25 and a revenue of $45. The other one we did was a St. Patricks day sale, and we sold some green hats, green beeds, lucky shamrocks, and shamrock candies. It was a cost of $37 and a revenue of $41.

This school outfit project is going to be the most grandbreaking project we have ever had. Already approved by the school principal, we are going to design new snapbacks, t-shirts, shirts, ties and etc for the school. The students will all be very happy when they see those new fancy school shirts coming out!

Thank you for your support!


Thank you so much for your gracious support! I am personally good at drawing pictures, fixing pictures, designing artworks, and making e-posters with photoshop.If you need help with those, or you want a personalized computer or mobile phone desktop, I will be happy to do it for you. All I need is an email address.

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raised of $650.00 goal
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