Fighting to Get Off the Ground

Fundraising campaign by Shirlyn Lee
  • SG$0.00
    raised of SG$5,000.00 goal goal
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I want to show people that I can do it!

In a nutshell, I'm 29, just started my own business, and, have nothing in my name.

Being from a single parent, single child household, finances are comfortable enough for day to day expenditure but not enough for situations that crop up.

I've been pretty unsure about life. My life. Didn't really know what I wanted to do besides starting a business. Spent the last 10 years soaking up various experiences that paid pittance. I've done the marketing and PR for nightlife (clubbing events), done corporate events, learnt the inside-outs of being a legal money lender, worked as a barista, the list goes on.

However, one my my failures was not saving money while being employed. Additionally, about 5-6 years ago, my mom had a rare cancer (Cancer of the adrenal gland) and that actually affected her liver too. The financials and healing process of that was painstakingly long.

Through my years, I've somehow landed myself in a depressive (I wish I never woke up state). This has resulted in the current me - strain on a seven year relationship coz I changed through the years; and, just starting out a business.

To get more updates on whys, follow my story here. It's another initiative that I've set up to be accountable and to make a change for myself.


The $5,000 goal that I've set here is no small sum. It will go to funding:

1) A new laptop for backend work including finance, administration, digital marketing and some design (Coz mine just had to die on me at the wrong timing)

2) Expenses for a 2 week long trip in Melbourne for the completion of a course that started end last year. (Melbourne's not a cheap city! Each meal costs about $20.)

Add Ons

If I'm able to get more than $5,000, the money will go to:

1) The marketing of my business - digital advertising, brochure printing, etc.

2) The conceptualization and creation of a water-safety course for school children

3) My wedding (Proposed to happen in 2017. But it depends on whether I can keep my man.)

4) My apartment and its renovations (If all goes well, my man and I will be getting the keys in the first quarter of 2017.)


  • Shirlyn Lee
  • Campaign Owner

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raised of SG$5,000.00 goal
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