Empower Dreams: Supporting Economic Mobility through International Opportunities

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In the face of economic adversity, countless individuals are left with limited options to secure their futures. Today, I stand before you, fueled by determination and armed with a plan for a better tomorrow. My name is Priyangika Fernando, and I am seeking your support to turn my aspirations into reality.

The economic crisis gripping my country has left many of us struggling to make ends meet. Despite receiving education in hotel management, opportunities for a stable and prosperous livelihood are scarce. Even with employment, the wages offered are insufficient to sustain a decent standard of living for me and my family.

To break free from the cycle of economic uncertainty, I have made the bold decision to seek employment opportunities abroad, specifically in Italy. With my education and skills, I am confident that I can contribute meaningfully to the thriving hospitality industry in Italy, while also securing a better future for myself and my loved ones.

However, the journey towards realizing this dream comes with its own set of challenges. The cost of relocating to Italy amounts to $15000, including visa fees, travel expenses, and initial living costs. This financial hurdle stands between me and the opportunity to build a brighter future for my family.

I humbly appeal to your generosity and compassion to support my campaign. By contributing towards my relocation expenses, you are not just aiding an individual in need; you are investing in the promise of a better future. Together, we can empower dreams, break barriers, and pave the way for economic mobility and prosperity.

In a world plagued by economic uncertainty, every act of kindness and support has the power to transform lives. With your help, I can embark on this journey towards a brighter tomorrow, armed with hope, determination, and the unwavering belief that better days lie ahead. Join me in this endeavor, and let us write the next chapter of my story – a story of resilience, opportunity, and triumph over adversity. Thank you for your generosity and support.




Priyangika Fernando hails from Maharaga, a charming town in Sri Lanka. Nestled amidst lush landscapes and steeped in cultural heritage.

Priyangika Fernando hails from Maharaga, a charming town in Sri Lanka. Nestled amidst lush landscapes and steeped in cultural heritage.


  • Anonymous
  • Donated on Mar 23, 2024

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  • Anonymous
  • Donated on Mar 23, 2024


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