Elder person house upgrade

Fundraising campaign by Chelan Thomas
  • CA$0.00
    raised of CA$150,000.00 goal goal
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I am looking for assistance in acquiring a downpayment to rebuild our house.  The reason we are looking to rebuild is to make more room so that my nearly 70 year old mother would be able to live with us but still have her own independent space.  Our current home is not big enough for me, my husband and our 3 children to have my mother move in.  However if we were to rebuild and add a suite my mother would be able to quit her job and move in with us. She would no longer need to worry about paying bills.   I would love to be able to give my nearly 70 year old mother the world; however, this is not possible. I feel that she has worked all her life and has very little to show for it as she is constantly helping other people.  It is my hope to be able to get a mortgage to help in rebuilding our house to be elderly friendly as well as to add a suite for my mother.  She deserves to be the center attention now.  I NEED your help as I cannot do this alone.   She is my best friend and I don`t know what I would do without her.  I want to give her as much as she has given me and my brother all these years.   I am looking at raising $150 000 in order to use it in a down payment to assist in the rebuilding of our house. This rebuild would be for the complete overhaul and installation of an elderly person friendly suite to be used by my nearly 70 year old mother.  She is low on funds and still working to help support my brother and his family of 4 kids.  She has been at the same place of employment for over 40 years and would be amazing if for once she was able to think about her needs and wants for a change.   I would greatly appreciate your help as this woman has been through a lot- an alcoholic husband who died at 50, a son without a job, the stress of losing her younger brother to diabetes and her best friend and sister to cancer.  It would be an amazing feeling to know that so many people out there would be generous enough to help out a family they did not know. Thank you so much for even taking the time to consider assisting us.


For your donation of $250- we will engrave your name on a path stone that will be used to pave the driveway and walk way. We will also send you a photo of the stone and house once construction is complete.

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raised of CA$150,000.00 goal
0% Funded
0 Donors

No more donations are being accepted at this time. Please contact the campaign owner if you would like to discuss further funding opportunities