Education Brazil

Fundraising campaign by David Sabins
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My family in Upstate NY have started a campaign in the north of Brazil to help the children get a education. This project first started out 4 years. This project was funded by father (truck driver). Last November my father slip and fell on ice and lost everything me owned, including his house and truck and his unable to continue to work by doctor’s orders and 3 surgery later. 

What my father had started: My father (David) had brought Christmas to this town in north of Brazil. Every year for the past 4 years we all fly to Brazil loaded with school supplies and gift. We had built a church and put 3 local kids thru college, all this was paid with our own money. I decided to stay here and continue helping these local town with what I can. So far I been here for 2 and a half years, I rented a local house and bought a 2003 Ford Fiesta. So far I helped people to get jobs, fixed roofs for the elderly, give first aide on whenever I was needed.

I need help: My father no longer is able to work, last year 2014, the churches from NY mailed me gifts and schools supplies. It was a great help, but I need more stable help. Many of the children here uses 2 liter soda bottles as shoes taped to their feet! I personally knew a 10 year old boy died from starvation and another 7 year old died in a chair from unknown reason. I need help to buy shoes, note books (local price is R$15.99 that is $6.00USD), pens, snake bite kits, water bottles, soaps and many more. I need help to buy a 4-wheel truck to be able to reach other towns high in the mountains where my small hatchback can’t reach.

I desperately need help, I don’t know where else to turn


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