Donate to Muslim Aid, Islamic Charity | Muslim Aid

Fundraising campaign by Ruhamaa Foundation
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Donate to Muslim Aid, Islamic Charity | Muslim Aid to support conflict and disasters displaced over 30 million people around the world. Devastating the lives of countless women and children who have been left grieving from the loss of their husbands and fathers.They face the hardest of circumstance, struggling just to survive each day.With a lack of the basic human necessities such as food, clean water, healthcare and living conditions. Widowed women face the ultimate challenge in comforting and providing for their young families.In Syria, women have had to witness their loved ones killed in a war which shows no sign of ease.In Gaza, decades of conflict have ripped apart generations, striking down young men in the prime of their lives.In Indonesia, multiple earthquakes have claimed the lives of hundreds of people.Abdullah is 11 years old and lives in Jordan with his mother who is blind. When Abdullah’s father was killed in the war, the grief traumatised his mother so much that she lost her sight. Every day after school Abdullah comes home to help his mother with chores instead of going out to play with his friends. Abdullah wants to be a Paediatrician when he grows older. A shy child dealing with his own grief, he has the weight of the world on his shoulders.‘’One who strives to help a widow or the poor, is like one who struggles in the cause of Allah.’’ [Sahih Muslim]Donate now, help rebuild their lives.

Donation Manager Mr Abdul-Muiz Adel

Email:[email protected]


  • Ruhamaa Foundation
  • Campaign Owner


  • Ruhamaa Foundation
  • Posted On Jan 18, 2019
  • Donate to Muslim Aid, Islamic Charity | Muslim Aid Last year, conflict and disasters displaced over 30 million people around the world. Devastating the lives of countless women and children who have been left grieving from the loss of their husbands and fathers. They face the hardest of circumstance, struggling just to survive each day. With a lack of the basic human necessities such as food, clean water, healthcare and living conditions. Widowed women face the ultimate challenge in comforting and providing for their young families. In Syria, women have had to witness their loved ones killed in a war which shows no sign of ease. In Gaza, decades of conflict have ripped apart generations, striking down young men in the prime of their lives. In Indonesia, multiple earthquakes have claimed the lives of hundreds of people. Abdullah is 11 years old and lives in Jordan with his mother who is blind. When Abdullah’s father was killed in the war, the grief traumatised his mother so much that she lost her sight. Every day after school Abdullah comes home to help his mother with chores instead of going out to play with his friends. Abdullah wants to be a Paediatrician when he grows older. A shy child dealing with his own grief, he has the weight of the world on his shoulders. ‘’One who strives to help a widow or the poor, is like one who struggles in the cause of Allah.’’ [Sahih Muslim] Donate now, help rebuild their lives.

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raised of $10,000.00 goal
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