Doggy funding

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At 30 years old I was diagnosed with highly aggressive rapidly evolving multiple sclerosis. This is a degenerative disease that affects cognition, mobility, speech and function.

whilst I am still able to participate in training with an assistance dog I would like to get help to purchase one so I can begin the journey.

An assistance dog will be able to help me walk further by helping my balance and momentum.

a trained dog will be able to pick up dropped items or items out of reach. they will also be able to help me perform tasks and routines such as loading and unloading laundry, tidying items, dressing and undressing.

At 30 years old I did not expect to be in this position. I did not expect to need a bath lift for the simple task of bathing, or an adapted toilet seat to make it easier to stand up from sitting down. I did not expect to have to have infusion treatment (often likened to, but not the same as, chemotherapy every 6 months. I did not expect to have to rely on my children to help me, it should be the other way round! but here I am. I have 2 wonderful children who are on a great path in life so I need to keep the responsibility of helping care for me to a minimum. Therefore an assistance dog will be invaluable to our family.

min the big scheme of things a dog is not a huge purchase, and whilst I could save up (for 5-6 years) to enable myself to purchase one myself, at this stage I may not be able to physically partake in training. That’s why this is a time precious appeal to enable me to begin this journey as soon as possible, before I am no longer able to.

Once purchased, there are several charities whom will help to train the dog to pass the assistance dog programme and enable to me register the dog officially.

please help, as small or large as you can, it would mean the world to us as a family!


  • Elizabeth Collins
  • Campaign Owner

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raised of £3,000.00 goal
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