Debt mired family man needs help

Fundraising campaign by lenon
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    raised of $14,000.00 goal goal
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Hello, my story is no more noble than most that you'll find here, and I'm definitely no more deserving of help, but if you've got a few dollars you could help me with, I'd take it as a kindness.

In September of 2008, I lost my job.  The company I was working for just wasn't doing well, and decided to close the doors.  I had just bought a house.  To make a long story short, I was unable to find employment for eight months.  During this time, I was drawing meager unemployment, but I maxed out all my credit cards paying bills.  I ended up having to short sell my house for about 60% of what I owed on it due to the bursting of the housing bubble.  I finally found a job, but had to move halfway across the country for it, and I took a 20% pay cut.

In spite of this, I managed to pay off about $10,000 of the debt I had incurred by making regular payments on it through half of 2009 and part of 2010.  Near the end of 2009, my in-laws fell victim to the economy problems as well.  My father-in-law is very sick and requires a tremendous amount of medical care, and my mother-in-law lost her job.  She was also unable to aquire gainful employment after several months of searching, so I invited them to move in with me near the middle of 2010.  At this point, she has what amounts to a minimum wage job that covers her most significant bills, but my wife and I pay for everything else.

Unfortunately, this has left us unable to pay anything on this debt for the last two years.  Our credit scores are now ruined, and I can't even get the security clearance I need for work because of it.  I may lose my job due to that.  We desperately need to get out from under this debt, but I don't think it's going to be possible as long as I'm supporting my in-laws.  We can't just kick them out and tell them to fend for themselves, so here I am asking for some help.

For what it's worth, none of this credit card debt was spent frivolously, and we haven't incurred any new debt in the last three and a half years. We just need a little help getting back on our feet.  Please help if you can, and if you can't, thanks for reading, and God bless you.


I appreciate each and every donation! I'll be more than happy to send each and every person that donates a personalized thank you note. Also, I promise that once my debt is paid off, I'll come back to this site and donate to other people in need.

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raised of $14,000.00 goal
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