David Mackall Funeral Fund

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My heart is so heavy for a evil doer, a coward murdered David Mackall Jr, former Edmondson and Maryland football player, age 28. He was my God-Daughter Jarenae Plessy fiance. They have two young sons. David was a fine man and a good father. Prayers for his family and all who love him. Words are not enough to describe his family hurt and to many other families will never be the same because of evil doers. They are and still ailing, aching, broken-hearted, distraught, depressed and dismayed. No one else should have to go through this. No other family should have to put up with this. We shouldn't put up with this. It's every parent's nightmare, but don't let David life be lost in vain.

We have to raise awareness that such a senseless death could happen to anyone, not just in a black community, but this happens way to often in our communities. We must not become numb to this social rot. I hope David's death and others will mobilize our families, our communities, the public and governments to take steps to prevent such violence from continuing. Let his death and other who lost there lives to this social rot be a catalyst for change. If we close our eyes or just talk the talk and turn our backs, it will happen again. We have to be responsible.
We have to be better. We have to do better.
We must stop this and do our part as parents, grandparents, family, friends, neighbors, communities, and just love and respect one another.
Speak up Stand up
God is still in charge💔Rest in eternal peace David Mackall


  • Leona Johnson Tucker
  • Campaign Owner

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raised of $3,000.00 goal
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