Creating employment opportunities for people in disadvantaged neighborhoods

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    raised of $300,000.00 goal goal
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I started a business a year ago. Idk what others call success but I’ve made $13,000 this year. I’d like to create jobs for people in my neighborhood. I know 60 unemployed people at this time. 12 of them has personally asked me for a job. I’m not rich and honestly I hated not being able to employ them. This will not be limited to the locals. Given my company is home based everyone can’t work from home and I understand that I’d like to create opportunities. Yes I started a company with 500 dollars. I got certified in IT, I got certified im Project Management. I’ve worked for 14 years building myself just to be still in school with an income of $1100 a month. I have three daughters I sent them to a charter school. I pay their education out of pocket their school isn’t free. Because I don’t want them to be like me 31 and poor. If I can make any difference it’ll be to employ at least 60 ppl. If not more! Keeping society and the economy on track. Everything you give is a huge help. I hope my goals resonate with others because I love working and it’s hard to get work out here. Please request my business website link if you want to see what I’ve done so far. This site wouldn’t let me post my business introduction or my company website and I’m proud of my work so ask me questions read my info.


I’m a young adult whom seeks to create a tech company that will help advance businesses and individuals. I own a Virtual Assistant Company.

I’m a young adult whom seeks to create a tech company that will help advance businesses and individuals. I own a Virtual Assistant Company.

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Fund Raiser
raised of $300,000.00 goal
0% Funded
0 Donors

No more donations are being accepted at this time. Please contact the campaign owner if you would like to discuss further funding opportunities