Creating a prosthetic shoulder in Orlando

Fundraising campaign by Paul Dollar
  • US$1.00
    raised of $10,000.00 goal goal
0% Funded
1 Donors
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In today's world, we can often see the story of a car accident or other type of accident, after which the injured person may experience severe pain in some part of the body or not feel that part at all, so they have to amputate it and replace it with an artificial limb. Or stories where car accident victims have to go through the restoration of their limbs with prostheses made especially for this purpose.

Prosthetics, in turn, is an important step in the life of the victim, and entails a process of social and occupational rehabilitation for the person who has lost a limb. It helps to get back to "normal" life, avoid physical and spiritual pain, and not to fall into a state of emotional derangement and depression, which can arise due to the lack of usual opportunities to do any kind of activity.

What's the problem?

With advances in technology, the level of pain treatment with prosthetics has increased significantly around the world. Scientists from all over the world are creating and developing various prostheses with which patients are treated and recovered at an accelerated rate. And affected people who are treated with prostheses are able to live a fuller life and not have the pain that they might have had. At the same time, different prostheses are created with different functionalities.

Bioprostheses are prosthetic limbs that are attached to the human body in the place of the amputated limb and exactly repeat the tasks of movement indicated by the human brain. This is a radical method of treatment that helps affected people reduce pain levels, not worry about the lost limb, and perform the same actions as before.

Also, there are special prostheses that help treat a person's physical pain by arranging the functioning of those limbs whose injury occurred as a result of the accident.

However, it is worth realizing that not everywhere is it possible to create, test and mass produce prostheses. For example, the city of Orlando has a clear need to create bioprostheses to treat the shoulder and help those people who need this treatment.

In addition to bioprostheses that completely replace a person's limb, Orlando has a need for pain treatment that occurs through the creation and distribution of a special prosthesis that would help people who have suffered a shoulder injury recover faster from a car accident that has occurred. A prosthesis that would alleviate or eliminate shoulder pain and restore motor function to the shoulder, helping the person to return to his or her usual lifestyle as quickly as possible.

What is the difficulty and what do we need?

The shoulder is an important part of a person's torso that has a significant stake in the full activity of human life. And those people who suffer a shoulder injury and are not technically able to treat it are at risk for depression and loss of enjoyment of life. The lives of such people (especially those who were not initially a stress-resistant person) take on more gloomy colors, and most of them have a need for psychological help.

The creation and development of prostheses is a multidisciplinary field, and it requires doctors and scientists from different fields of science to work together. Accordingly, in order to make the creation of a prosthetic shoulder possible in the city of Orlando, we need to attract more qualified specialists in the field of prosthetics to the city, and to provide them with quality technical equipment for a successful outcome of their work.

We need to raise $1,000,000 to create and promote activities towards the development of a prosthesis for shoulder pain in the City of Orlando. This money will help support the work of the prosthetic specialists and present them with the materials they need to successfully create a prosthetic shoulder in Orlando.

The $1,000,000 will help prosthetics specialists take the city of Orlando to the next level of care for car accident victims.

But, unfortunately, we are not able to cover this amount on our own (we are supported by the company And we will be happy and grateful for any financial assistance that you can provide us.

Help us provide shoulder prosthetics and thereby improve the lives of shoulder injury patients in Orlando by working together to raise $ 1,000,000.

Thank you in advance for your help.

Thank you!


  • Paul Dollar
  • Campaign Owner


  • Anonymous
  • Donated on Mar 30, 2021
Amount Hidden

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Donors & Comments

1 donors
  • Anonymous
  • Donated on Mar 30, 2021
Amount Hidden


Anne Rain
raised of $10,000.00 goal
0% Funded
1 Donors

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