COVID-19 RESPONSE FUND. Help fight Coronavirus

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    raised of $500,000.00 goal goal
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Help fight coronavirus

Your donation to the COVID-19 Solidarity Response Fund will help support essential efforts provided by our volunteers and partners to protect and support people and communities affected by the pandemic.

COVID-19 is an unprecedented worldwide crisis affecting each and every one of us. Every day reveals an even greater need – a need for the world to come together in solidarity, faster and more effectively than ever before – to unite around a collective response for all of humanity.

By joining together, we bring the best in science, healthcare and emergency response.

There has never been a more urgent need for global cooperation. We’ve partnered together to do whatever it takes to fight the pandemic. Will you join us?

We must come together to stop coronavirus. Are you with us?

Please donate now to do whatever it takes to stop COVID-19.

COVID-19 is an unprecedented worldwide crisis affecting each and every one of us. Every day reveals an even greater need – a need for the world to come together in solidarity, faster and more effectively than ever before – to unite around a collective response for all of humanity.

By joining together, we bring the best in science, healthcare and emergency response.

There has never been a more urgent need for global cooperation. We’ve partnered together to do whatever it takes to fight the pandemic. Will you join us?

How your donation can help

Icon showing a doctor wearing a mask

Equip health service providers with personal protective equipment, testing tools to detect and treat COVID-19, and critical, up-to-date information.

Icon showing a water faucet

Provide vulnerable communities with access to clean, safe water and sanitation to help families protect themselves.

Icon showing a vaccine

Directly fund the teams working around the clock to develop novel vaccines to combat COVID-19.

Thank you for saving the world. Thank you for being a human.



  • Volunteers International
  • Campaign Owner
  • US

Together to help fight COVID-19

Together to help fight COVID-19

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raised of $500,000.00 goal
0% Funded
0 Donors

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