College tuition!

Fundraising campaign by MelissaThomas95
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Hello everyone. My name is Melissa Thomas. I graduated high school in June of 2013. I am trying to raise money to attend a good college. But first, let me tell you a little bit about my family and why I'm trying to raise money. 

My Family. 

I had an awesome childhood. My mom was the general manager at Ryan's Family Steak house, and my dad was an owner operator (truck driver that owned his truck/trailer). We never really had to worry about money problems. I even attended a private school until 3rd grade! Me and my little brother had everything we needed (and then some)! We both got our own 4 wheelers when we were younger And my dad even built a track out back for us! However, all this good started to change in 2008. 

The company my dad drove for wanted him to run a very illegal load. He was used to doing oversized loads but this one he wasn't up for. He no longer worked there. Shortly after his health started declining. He was diagnosed with gaut and fibromyalgia. He is now on disability. His list of problems now could fill up this whole page.  Gaut, fibromyalgia, high blood pressure, diabetes, and the list goes on. He tries to do everything he can to be back in working shape but just can't. He spends his time in the garage tinkering on whatever he can. Right now he is working on a custom made roadster he and my grandpa raced at the drag strip back in the '80s. The only reason he has this is because my grandfather recently passed away. 

My mother worked at Ryan's for a total of 13 years. By the end she was General Manager. In June of 2010 she was at work and got a call from corporate saying the restaurant was to be closed by 7pm that night. She was absolutly devastated. She decided she was finally going to go back to school. She was on unemployment for a period of time but couldn't find a job. She has applied everywhere. Nobody seems to want her even with her awesome work history. She has one semester left of school then she will hopefully be abls to find a job as a probation officer! 

A little about me.

I have had a steady job since I was 14. I worked as a "do it all" for the restaurant that took Ryan's' place. (I came with the building!) I've worked many different places but just recently I haven't been able to find a job. I am currently attempting direct sales. I sell Plexus(a weight/health product) and Jewelry In Candles(20 oz soy candles with jewelry hidden inside). I am in my second semester of college at Terra community college. I am studying police science. I no longer want to work in this field. Cops don't seem to be like at all and are beyond corrupt. I would like to change my major to something along the lines of psychology. However, this means moving up to a larger school. My fafsa will not cover the tuition of a larger school. This is why I'm doing all this! 

How your donation will help and why you should donate. 

Your donation will help a small town girl with big dreams(yeah, typical reasoning, I know.) I want to be able to help my family as much as they've helped and supported me growing up. Around here if you don't have a degree from a good school, your only option is factory work. 

Ill be honest, I don't know what to say as to why you should donate except for Karma. Maybe one day I'll get rich and give back to everyone who has helped me :) 

Whether you donate or not, thank you for taking the time to read my story. 


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  • MelissaThomas95

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