College Funding for Future Engineer

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Hello! My name is Wendy and I just wanted to start this campaign to receive anything I can for college tuition. I am currently paying my way through community college, but unfortunately, I am reaching for something farther than community college can provide. I am trying to go to a 4 year university to study mechanical engineering - more specifically, I want to become a robotics engineer. That can range from familiar vending machines to sophisticated robots used to manufacture cars.

My love for robotics started back in high school when I became president of my school's robotic/engineering club back in my sophomore year. From there on, I continued to be president for my junior and senior year of college. I got to go to countless competitions and received countless awards. We even got to go to a VEX Robotics competition for my last 2 years - we were top 10 both times.

Unfortunately, I will have a harder time reaching my goal. Despite being in the country for over 10 years, I am not a US citizen (yet), and will not even be considered without a college degree. I am in the country legally with a work permit that can be renewed every 2 years. Because of this, I also cannot take out loans or receive most scholarships provided from schools.

Any help would really be appreciated. I am currently 20 years old and I am starting my second year of community college. After I get my associates, I will continue to study in any way possible. Since each credit hour ranges from $800-$900 for international students, it's unlikely that I will even be anything more than a part-time student. But that is okay. I will take one class each semester if I have to until I'm 50.

Many engineering students I have met usually a common goal - they want to get their degree and get the highest paying job. Me? I just want to pay for my degree and become an innovator.


  • Wendy Gomez
  • Campaign Owner

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