Clean up the oceans

Fundraising campaign by Paul Zola
  • US$0.00
    raised of $500,000.00 goal goal
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Our organization wishes to clean up the floating garbage Islands in the oceans around the world by utilizing existing fishing fleets to harvest the garbage from floating islands of garbage and remove it to a nearby port for recycling. Much of the floating garbage is plastic and creating dangers to the environment, Fish, and Wildlife. Some monies may be recouped from the recycling of the plastic and other materials in the floating masses of garbage in the oceans but is not expected to be a profitable venture. Therefore, our organization would rely primarily on donations in order to pay for expenses of the cleanup. Each time enough money is raised, enough donations are received, a fishing vessel will be compensated with expenses and a bonus for hauling in a boatload of garbage from these floating masses in the sea. We will seek assistance from fishing Enterprises on a voluntary basis and the garbage haul will be recycled with proceeds from the recycling rolled back into the cleanup expenses. We will create a list of everyone who donates to the efforts of the ocean clean up for future Generations to look upon with admiration and as an example of what people can do for our environment when they come together for a Cause. We will make public every donor's name (if annonimity is not required) for them to Garner Pride in what they did to help out our oceans. It's possible that the value of the recycled garbage may be substantial and help pay for a large portion of the cleanup. The fishing vessels will be encouraged to haul as much garbage from the ocean garbage masses as safely possible due to the fact that Refrigeration and other handling expenses will not be required for the garbage compared to the harvesting of fish. Bonuses to the fishing vessels that will be paid based on the amount of garbage hauled will be fair. The payments to the fishing vessels will be based on the tonnage of garbage hauled from the floating islands of garbage from the Ocean or sea from whence the garbage came, so as to make it profitable for the fishing vessels who are in need of extra income due to decreased fishing Harvests. Payments to the fishing vessels or organizations per the tonnage of garbage hauled will be selected based on proximity and profitability for the work of those fishing vessels. Other fishing vessels or organizations are invited to help with the cleanup,


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  • Paul Zola
  • Campaign Owner

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raised of $500,000.00 goal
0% Funded
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